Safety Management Systems
This course will give you an initial awareness of Safety Management Systems, how to set one up and the roles and responsibilities that you will need to cultivate a successful safety culture within an organisation.
£42.00 (exc. VAT)
More Information
Who is this course aimed at? New and existing employees
Course Topics:
- Aviation Safety
- Balancing Safety and Production
- What is an SMS and why do we use it?
- Safety Culture
- Safety Policy and Objectives
- Safety Risk Management
- Safety Assurance
- Safety Promotion
Legislation References:
- ICAO Safety Management Manual, Doc 9859
- ICAO Annex 19
- CAP 796 Safety Management Systems
- CAP 1059 Safety Management Systems for small organisations
- EASA Part CAMO, Part CAO, Part 145 and Part 66.
The ICAO Safety Management Manual sets out a State Safety Programme (SSP) which regulates and administrates EASA and CAA State safety.
This course aligns with GCAA CAR SMS.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be issued with a certificate.